Nov 22, 2009

This Is [ it ]

Hate him
Love him
You still have to crown him as the

I'll be still watching you from just there

If you are a fan of pop music, then i do feel it's a crime for not catching his last piece of effort on the big screen. Just if you don't know, It was him who create a revolution and brought the music industry to a whole new level. His music inspired billions and there was a moment where everyone was listening to the same songs and watching the same performance. That alone tells us he's really something. He might not be there for us anymore but his legacy will still live on till maybe the end of time... or at lease end of my time.

His life message is just plain simple :
One man is not enough to change the world but he can make a difference.

*it was suppose to be just 2 weeks on screen...
but due to "popular demand" it is extended.
*Just to clarify : I'm not really a big fan..
But I do appreciate great existence

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